“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” Though I’ve heard this line many times, I’ve
honestly never thought of it as a positive thing. Though it certainly could be, I’ve most often
heard it used in a sarcastic way or with a negative connotation. It certainly seems that someone could imitate
things we don’t want them to, and thereby actually be unflattering to us. And let’s be honest: that “negative” imitation is probably what
happens more often. Or at least, it is
probably what people happen to see or notice the most.
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine got to attend a Christian
writer’s conference. We joked before she
went about her carrying around a copy of her favorite writer’s books in case
she “happened” to run into the author and found the perfect time to ask for an
autograph. I said, “What could be more
flattering to an author than to know that you liked her book enough to carry it
with you, even if it was just to get an autograph?” Then I began thinking, “How flattered would
God be if we carried His book around, looking for a chance to get His autograph
(mark on our life)?”
While I’m certainly not suggesting that Almighty God has a
“need” to be flattered like we humans might in our vanity, I do think He is
worthy of high praise and every good deed we can do to honor His name. I believe if anyone ever had a right to be
flattered, it is the most holy Abba Father.
With the pride and approval of a parent, He, as the Ultimate parent,
looks on us with favor and wants us to do well.
In making good choices and living righteously, we bring glory to Him;
and although we can never give Him His due, shouldn’t we strive to give Him as
much glory as we possibly can in our time here on earth?
How happy must God’s heart be when those of us who claim to
be “fans” of His show that to others by dedication and loyalty! The Bible has been described as the best
history book, a guide to medicine and science, a roadmap for life, and the key
to answer all our problems; while it is all these things, it is also one of the
most important ways God communicates with us.
It is the epitome of a self-help book – guidance from an experienced
Source, tips for coping with whatever struggles you may face, and encouragement
to be and do better abound within its pages.
While physically carrying your Bible is beneficial to your outward appearance,
reading it transforms you from the inside out.
Allowing God to autograph your life, signing His name ever so gently to
your thoughts, actions, and attitudes is, I believe, the sincerest way to
flatter the Holy, Holy, Holy.